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1127 High Ridge Road #1113
Stamford, CT 06905

203 594-7236

Frank Bio

Frank Bia
Director & Chief Medical Officer

Frank is an expert in clinical internal medicine and international public health, with specializations in infectious diseases, tropical medicine, and the effective teaching and training of health care professionals. Frank has been widely recognized for his lifetime achievements in medical education, including as recipient of prestigious awards from the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Frank is Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine, where he also served as Co-Director of the International Health Program for over 25 years. More recently he has lent his expertise to Connecticut-based health clinics and non-profit organizations by mentoring medical residents and serving as Medical Director, and to Yale Medical School by serving as both a clinical and professional mentor. He holds a Medical Degree from Cornell University Medical College and a Master of Public Health from Harvard University School of Public Health.

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